Bihar State Pollution Control Board

1. Gazette of Board Constituted
2. Notification No. 1448 dated 30.12.2015 - Regarding   OCMMS
3. Adhisuchna  No. 04 dated 04.03.2017 - Regarding Nomination of Board Analyst
4. Adhisuchna No. - Parya/ Van-05/2010 / P. V. Dated 05.04.2018
5. Notification No. 50 dated 31.12.2018 - Regarding Inspection Protocol
6. Notification No. 51 dated 31.12.2018 - Regarding Timeline for ensuring prompt action against the non-complaint units
7. Notification No. 9, dated 3.5.2019 - Regarding Constitution of Committee for development of 'Green School'
8. Notification No.10, dated 4.5.2019 - Regarding Travelling Allowance
9. Notification No. 11, dated 29.6.2019 - Regarding use of Ground Water by Industrial Units
10. Notification No. 12, dated 3.7.2019 - Regarding Reconstitution of 3 Members Committee for Polluter Pays Principle.
11. Adhisuchna No. 29 dated 09.12.2019 - Regarding Environmental Compensation for Industrial Units operating without valid consent.
12. Adhisuchna No. 30, dated 09.12.2019 – Regarding issue of CTE to Industrial Units proposed in the areas categorised by CGWA.
13. Adhisuchna No. 31 dated 09.12.2019 - Regarding Environmental Compensation for Non-Complying Industrial Units
14. Notification No. 03 dated 20.04.2020 - Regarding Validity Extension
15. Notification No. 04 dated 20.05.2020 - Regarding Categorization of Industries-Revised
16. Notification No. 25/2018 dated 15.10.2018 - BANNING PLASTIC CARRY BAGS IN URBAN AREAS
17. Notification No. 19 dated 08.08.2018 - RESEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE (RAC)
18. Adhisuchna No. 27 dated 09.12.2019 - Regarding Automobile Service Repairing and Painting Units
19. Notification No. 834 dated 03.08.2020 - Regarding Categorization of Dairy Farm and Gaushala
20. Notification No. 08 dated 18.09.2020 - Regarding Calculation of Environmental Compensation, minimum one month period to be taken for unit
21. Notification No. 05 dated 16.09.2020 - Regarding Extension of time limit for compliance revised consent conditions for STONE CRUSHERS in the state
22. Adhisuchna No. 115 dated 22.10.2020 - Exempting Environmental Clearance for Brick Kilns
23. Notification under Section 31A of the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act,1981 regarding direction to 22 categories of polluting industries.
24. Adhisuchna No.1593 dated 01.12.2020 - Regarding Nomination of Public Relation Officer
25. Adhisuchna No.12 dated 31.12.2020 - Auto-Renewal notification for CTO
26. Notification No.01 dated 05.01.2021 - Guidelines for installation of Mobile Towers
27. Notification No.577 dated 12.03.2021 - Notification for siting of Petrol Pump and Bio-Diesel Retail outlets
28. Adhisuchna No.09 dated 01.04.2021 - Revised Notification for Air Pollution Control Management of Stone Crusher Units
29. Adhisuchna No.11 dated 06.04.2021 - Notification for Processing fees on BMW,PMW and HWM from 8.4.2021
30. Notification No.16 dated 14.06.2021 - Notification for the Guideline is hereby extended and amended for establishment of Brick Kiln unit
31. Adhisuchna No.15 dated 14.06.2021 - Notification for Textile Dyeing Units to ensure Zero liquid Discharge before Operating.
32. Adhisuchna No.19 dated 07.09.2021 - Notification for Establishment of Ethanol Unit.
33. Notification No.20 dated 22.09.2021 - Revised Notification for Establishment of Ethanol Unit.
34. Notification No.23 dated 04.10.2021 - Empanelment for No Increase in Pollution Load Certificate.
35. Notification No.24 dated 05.10.2021 - Regarding Ban of waste tyre based Pyrolysis Units.
36. Notification No.29 dated 26.10.2021 - Guidelines for procurement of goods as well as procurement of services.
37. Notification No.30 dated 18.11.2021 -Fees for Change of Name & Address.
38. Notification No.31 dated 09.12.2021 -Notification related with empanelled EIA Consultant by BSPCB
39. Notification No.38 dated 20.12.2021 -Fee for CTE of Defaulter Units operating Without CTO
40. Notification dated 31.12.2021 -Fly Ash Notification.
41. Notification No.-05 dated 14.02.2022 -Restrictions of use of furnance oil and coal.
42. Notification No.-11 dated 23.03.2022 -Siting criteria of Brick Kiln Units with respect to Habitation & etc.
43. Notification No.12 dated 22.04.2022 -Notification related with empanelled EIA Consultant 2 by BSPCB
44. Notification No.14 dated 12.05.2022 -Notification of Vehicle Scrapping Facility
45. Notification of Air(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Rules,1983
46. Notification of Water(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Rules,1986
47. Notification No. 16 dated 10.06.2022 - Regarding Nomination of Board Analyst
48. Notification No. 95 dated 22.06.2022 - Regarding Nomination of Authorised signatory under BMW, Rules 2016, etc.
49. Notification No. 100 dated 28.06.2022 - Regarding Nomination of Authorised signatory under HWM and other wastes (Mangement and Trans Boundary Movement)Rules, 2016, etc.
50. Notification No. 656 (E) dated 10.09.2021 - Revised Environmental Standards for Tannery Industry.
51. Notification GSR No. 143 (E) dated 22.02.2022 - Revised Environmental Notification of Brick Kilns.
52. Notification No. 19 dated 29.08.2022 - Notification on Flow process of Brick Kilns application received.
53. Notification No. 18 dated 29.08.2022 - Notification on Establishment of Poultry Farm.
54. Notification No. 21 dated 06.09.2022 - Notification on Green School Programme.
55. Notification No. P/T 4-014/12/24 dated 20.10.2022 - Notification on Committee constituted for examine of Compliances made by M/S Bihar Waste management Limited..
56. Notification No. 25 dated 20.10.2022 - Notification regarding Brick Kiln Unit..
57. Notification No. 28 dated 14.11.2022 - Regarding Nomination of Board Analyst
58. Reference No. 3101 dated 22.11.2022 - Notification on Defining of Battery Limit of Industries
59. Notification No. 32 dated 26.12.2022 - Notification to obtain CTE/CTO for Fire Crackers storage units.
60. Notification No. 06 dated 03.04.2023 - Notification to obtain CTE/CTO for Residential and Commercial Building Projects (Built up area greater than equal to 5000 to less equal to 20000).
61. Notification No. 05 dated 03.04.2023 - Notification for Exemption to obtain again  Environment Clearance for no increase in pollution load units.
62. Notification No. 07 dated 05.04.2023 - Notification to Guidlines for Grant of  CTE/CTO to permanent storage facilities Fire Crackers/Fire works.
63. Notification No. 12 dated 18.05.2023 - Notification for Established Brickilns in the state for their ownership modification.
64. G.S.R No. 373(E) dated 16.05.2023 - Notification of Revision of Emission Standard of PM for Industrial Boilers.
65. Notification No. 15 dated 27.05.2023 - Notification for Disposal of Application received in OCMMS within a month.
66. Notification No. G.S.R 804 E dated 14.06.2023 - Notification for Gensets and Genset Engines.
67. Notification No. 23 dated 31.08.2023 - Notification regarding Brick Kiln Unit..
68. Notification No. 32 dated 08.12.2023 - Notification of Technical Tender Evaluation Committee
69. Notification No. 2 dated 12.12.2023 - Notification related with restriction of furnace oil, coal, wood, etc.
70. Notification No. 4 dated 14.06.2024 - Notification related with all new retail petroleum outlets are exempted from obtaining CTE/CTO
71. Notification No.05 dated 24.07.2024 - Notification related with the extension of validity period of empanelled EIA Consultants Organisations
72. Notification No.09 dated 26.12.2024 - Notification related with Inlet quality standards of CETP bheria dangi kishanganj.
73. Notification No.10 dated 27.12.2024 - Notification related with siting criteria of FSTP and its Exemption from Consent Management
74. Notification No.11 dated 30.12.2024 - Notification related with different Environment Compensation of Units